

copernikkel.nl Copernikkel is situated on the Copernicuslaan (Copernicus lane). A coorprative shop of initiatives from volenteers together with entrepreneurs of small local businesses. Such as a repair cafe, an art gallery, urban gardening, kniting, computer and bicycle courses.

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debbyzorgenbegeleiding.nl A first product of applicable ease animations. Together with this website a logo and business card was designed.

to the website

dewijkplaats.nl A cities region spiritual care facility asked for my computer abilities first as a teacher, later to create their website. The website had to undergo some big changes as it was build by people who never heard of HTML or CSS. Today they have the need to manage their own content. The public site and the CMS has been build and designed by me. The goal was to make a CMS with as less functionability as possible but would still make a complete website. It has a page for news, events, about the organisation and links. Content that was left empty in the CMS, will be left out of the menu. During my projects I always have the need to add something to make the product special for my clients. In this project I have choosen to add a spiritual quote on top of each topic that has something to do with the topic. I hope that when my client needs to alter the content, they will receive some spiritual inspiration and express it in their content.

to the website

in-touchcoaching.com The client wanted a website and a logo for her company. She described a colour and I designed and build the website and logo. I have put a lot of time in the contact page and the feature to browse through the logos. A minimum CMS has been build and designed by me to add blogs and references by the client. The joke here is the logo browser (opened by clicking on the logo) with a sorting option and viewer (by clicking in the row).

to the website


earthclock An extended experiment to the jsclock. This clock for projecting on hotel lobby walls, is a JavaScript animation project. The center of the display points noon with the red line, while the picture of the earth moves. Tip: press the F11 key for full screen and connect a projector beamer.

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hexagon A template to make HTML-hexagons with content and a background image.

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jsanimation Click the link below to the concept to read about the concept.

to the concept

jsclock An AJAX project for me to see if I could send information server-based by using JavaScript. Unfortunatly I have not found my way on this project but the concept is there. Now to make it work the user needs to refresh the page to make the clock run. A small form was made to custumize the clock by the user. It contains calculations to make the clock draw in PHP and calculations that converts Persian numbers to Roman numbers.

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moscowroyaldentist.eu A website template for a concept business.

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newsletter A newsletter manager with MySQL database.

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parliament My interest in politics extented in this drawing with PHP project. It was interesting for me to see where everybody sits in the Dutch second chamber of the state general. The image that would be created gives a map of the chamber and the members would be stored in a SQL database. The features are to filter parties, select a member by name or members by portfolio. The last option is not available. However a list of members is shown together with details when selecting one member. Also it is clearly shown that the parties are arranged by ideological sides (sociolists on the left and liberalist on the right). Selecting parties shows the party and its color. The most challenging was converting the seat number in the database to the seats position on the map/image. If we look at the project from a more distant view, we can think of integrating the concept for for instance hotel room booking system reservations or seat reservations in aeroplanes. This project was most interesting to do and I show people this concept what would be possible with nowadays techniques on the internet. I wish to finish this project to select a seat on the image with the mouse (that is what the x and y coordinates are for) and by adding the first chamber of the state general.

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Warning: include(concepts/sudoku/challenge.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /domains/analy3.org/DEFAULT/portfolio/index.php on line 160

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'concepts/sudoku/challenge.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /domains/analy3.org/DEFAULT/portfolio/index.php on line 160